Thursday, 20 October 2011

start and stop the SAP IGS Server?

The IGS server (Internet Graphics Server) component displays and generates the graphics used by SAPGui HTML users.  For example, the BW users accessing reports via the internet use the IGS server.  The ITS server also channels graphics through the IGS server.  The IGS server is installed as a started service on each server.

Starting the IGS instance

1.               Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.
2.               Type the following:

cd /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/igs¬
./bin/startigs -p . ¬

3.               You may log off the server.

Stopping the IGS instance

4.               Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.
5.               Type the following:

cd /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/igs¬

6.               You may log off the server.

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