1.1 General settings
1.1.1 Countries
T005 Countries
1.1.2 Currency
TCURC Currency codes
TCURR Wisselkoersen
TCURT Currency name
TCURX Decimal places for currencies.
1.1.3 Unit of measure
T006 Units of measure
1.1.4 Calendar functions
T247 Month names
TFACD Factory calendar definition
T015M Month names
TTZZ Time zones
TTZD Summer time rules
TTZDF Summer time rules (fixed annual dates)
TTZDV Summer time rules (variable dates)
TTZDT Summer time rules texts
TTZ5 Assign Time Tones to Countries
TTZ5S Assign time zones to regions
1.2 Enterprise structure
1.2.1 Definition
FI T880 Company
T001 Company code
CO TKA01 Controlling area
LO T001W Plant / sales organisation
T499S Locations
TSPA Division
SD TVKO Sales organisation / company code
TVTW Distribution channel
TVBUR Sales office
TVKBT Sales office text
TVKGR Sales group
TVGRT Sales group text
T171T Sales district text
MM T001L Storage locations
T024E Purchasing organization
T3001 Warehouse number
TVST Shipping point
TVLA Loading point
TTDS Transportation
1.2.2 Assignment
CO TKA02 Assign company code to controlling area
LO T001K Assign plant (valuation area) to company code
SD TVKO Sales organisation / company code
TVKOV Distribution channel / sales organisation
TVKOS Division to sales organization
TVTA Sales aria
TVKBZ Sales office to sales area
TVBVK Sales group to sales office
TVKWZ Plants to sales organization
MM T024E Purchasing organization / company code
T024W Plant to Purchase organization
T001K Link plant ( = valuation area) / company code
TVSWZ Shipping point to plant
T320 Assignment MM Storage Location to WM Warehouse
1.3 Financial accounting
1.3.1 Company code
T004 Chart of accounts
T077S Account group (g/l accounts)
T009 Fiscal year variants
T880 Global company data
T014 Credit control area
1.3.2 Fi document
T010O Posting period variant
T010P Posting Period Variant Names
T001B Permitted Posting Periods
T003 Document types
T012 House banks
1.4 Not categorized
T007a Tax keys
T134 Material types
T179 Materials: Product Hierarchies
T179T Materials: Product hierarchies: Texts
TJ02T Status text
TINC Customer incoterms
TVFK Billing doc types
T390 PM: Shop papers for print control
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