Title: Restoration Procedure (SAP and ORACLE Systems)
1. Click on start button, go to Run and type ‘mstsc’ and then press enter button. (See slide -> 1)
2. Type IPAddress (Refer IPaddresslist.xls), and then press connect button.
3. Enter User name and password and then press ok button (Refer IPaddresslist.xls)(See slide -> 2)
4. Double click on Data protector Manager icon (See slide -> 3)
5. Click on ok button
6. Go to Devices & Media (See slide -> 4)
7. Devices -> HP : G3 Series_fmldp -> Slots (See slide -> 5)
8. Right Click on Slots and select Barcode Scan
9. Click on ok button
10. Now go to restore option, Restore -> File system (See slide -> 6)
11. Select the file system, and tick mark on files which you want to restore. (See slide -> 7)
12. Go to destination tab and select the destination path. (See slide -> 8)
13. Go to devices tab and select on Automatic Device Detection option. (See slide -> 9)
14. Go to Media tab and select the media (source system). (See slide -> 10)
15. Click on restore button then click on next button and then press finish button. (See slide -> 11)
16. After completion click on ok button.(See slide -> 12)