Basis Knowledge Transfer

Basis Knowledge Transfer

Hitachi will teach you as much as possible about Basis but stops short of breaking a SAP instance to show you how to fix it.  If something occurs that was not presented in your KT, your Basis group should have been given the necessary tools to find a solution on their own.  Taking responsibility for ownership for your new the SAP instances is a hard step to take but the most valuable KT Hitachi provides is to show you where to look when you don’t know the asnwers.

Besides using the provided documentation, opening messages to SAP, and posting your situation on a SAP website, you have full access to the SAP Online Documentation library at  This site contains online documentation for all of SAP products and can be a valuable information resource.

The following is a list of topics your Hitachi Basis consultant will cover during KT:

ABAP Workbench:
                  how to add/change/delete/run a program
                  how to add/change/delete/run a function
                  how to create/change/delete/use a variant
                  how to make changes to a table structure
        how to browse the data in a table

        Client Administration:
                  how to add/copy/delete a client
                  how to “lock” and “unlock” a client
                  how to add/change/delete RFC destinations
                  how to add/change/delete Logon Groups

Instance Monitoring:
                  how to what work processes are in use
                  how to perform a Tuning Summary (ST02) session
                  how to monitor all table and update locks
                  how to change the number of work processes available
                  how to increase the number of batch processes after hours
                  how to troubleshoot performance
                  how to view application log data
                  how to view all errors occurring in a specific work process number
        how to monitor Internet Communication

                  how to create a new background job
        how to see the status of a background job
                  how to apply support packages
                  how to apply kernel replacements
                  how to schedule database maintenance jobs
                  how to apply a SAP note using SNOTE
                  how to add/change/delete system parameters using RZ10
                  how to mass regenerate all or selected SAP ABAP loads
                  how to add/change/delete Logical System Names
                  how to send a system-wide message
                  how to lock a transaction
                  how to change the time zone
                  how to change the SAP logo on the main screen
                  how to configure SAP Online Documentation
                  how to add/change/delete a message on the logon screen
                  how to track the problem causing a short dump
                  how to stop a run-away process
                  how to configure/monitor email going out of SAP
                  how to view the SAP file structure on the OS from SAP

          Non-Instance Software
                  how to start, test, and stop saprouter
                  how to log on and off the J2EE Visual Administrator
                  how to confirm that J2EE is up and running on a server
                  how to start, test, and stop the IGS instance
                  how to start, test, and stop the J2EE instance

          SAP Marketplace Functions:
                  how to apply for and install a permanent license key
                  how to generate a developer’s key
                  how to generate a SAP System Change Registration key
                  how to open the SAP landscape for access by SAP
                  how to download patches from SAP Marketplace
                  how to download new software CD images from SAP Marketplace

                  how add/change/delete a role
                  how to add/change/delete/display a user audit trail
                  how to view a user’s security errors

Spool related:
                  how to add/change/delete a printer
                  how to reset the cache for a printer
                  how to reprint and reroute print
                  how to reorganize and reclaim TemSe objects
                  how to keep the job log clean

Start up and shutdown:
        how to start and stop a SAP instance
                  how to start and stop a SAP-related database
                  how to know a SAP instance is up and running
                  troubleshooting SAP instance start up and shut down
        how to start, test, and stop HTTP communication

                  how to add/change/delete a TMS setup
                  how to release/transport a transport request
                  how to lock a transport queue

                  how to view errors in the system log
                  how to search SAP notes for issues
                  how to open/check/close a problem message with SAP

        User related:
        how to add/change/delete a user
                  how to do mass user changes
                  how to see open user sessions
                  how to add/change/delete a SAP Marketplace user ID and password

XXVI.   Basis tasks to be done on a regular schedule

Daily Tasks:

                  Check that the SAP System(s) is up
                  Check that daily backups executed without errors
                  Check that all application servers are up
                  Check the CCMS alert monitor (if applicable) (RZ20)
                  Check work processes (SM50)
                  Look for any failed updates (update terminates) (SM13)
                  Check System Log (SM50)
                  Review for cancelled and critical jobs (SM37)
                  Check for “old” locks (SM12)
                  Check users on system (SM04)
                  Check for spool problems (SP01)
                  Check job log (SM35)
                  Review and resolve dumps (ST22)
                  Review workload statistics (ST03)
                  Review buffer statistics (ST02)
                  Review error log for problems (AL02 & ST04)
                  Review UNIX system logs for problems (AL16)
                  Review Windows system logs for problems (OS06)
                  Check the uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

Weekly Tasks:

                  Check database for free space (DB02)
                  Monitor database growth (DB02)
                  Check spool for problems and that spool is properly cleared (SP01)
                  Verify all properly approved transports imported into PRD (STMS)
                  For Oracle, run a check database and a update statistics job (DB13)
                  For MSSQL, run a check database integrity mainenance job and a update statistics
        Check file system for adequate space (RZ20 -  Technical Operations Templates ->
Space Management)
                  Review space usage and that sufficient free space exists in the file systems
                  Check system monitoring systems for update
                  System monitor Review for any events that should be added or deleted
                  Check system monitor alert mechanisms
                  System monitor Test e-mail
                  Test paging
                  Clean tape drive. Tape drive Clean using cleaning cartridge


                      Defragment the server memory by cycling the SAP instance and rebooting the server.
                      Record database growth usage for plotting growth.
                      Record disk space growth usage for plotting growth.
                      Perform a full server backup.
                      Review disk storage usage on server.
                      Do any server "housecleaning" - old /tmp files, etc.
                      Check consumable resources - tapes, check, data cartridges, preprinted forms, paper, etc.

Quarterly Tasks:

                    Perform quarter-end backups and send tapes to long-term offsite storage.
                      Review user IDs via SUIM for terminates users that should be locked or
                      Review list of "prohibited" passwords in table USR40.
                      Review system profile parameters for password standards.
                      Review all scheduled jobs via SM37 to determine if they are still appropriate.
                      Test database recvoery Restore database to a test server/
                      Archive all transport files older than 6 months from the /usr/sap/trans
                      Cleaup all SAPDBA/BRTOOLS files and logs.

XXVII.   Can Hitachi recommend any good books to help new Basis people?

Yes, SAP has a branch called SAP Labs which produces a series of books called Made Easy guides.  The SAP Authorizations Made Easy and SAP System Administration Made Easy guides are geared toward the Basis team members, and can be purchased from  These guides are not released new for every version of SAP so just order the most current you can find.  You can download older, free versions at SAP Super Users.

The SAP R/3 System Administration for Dummies is a good high-level resource for becoming familiar with SAP components and terminology but it is hard to find since it is no longer in print.  Sometimes a used copy turns up on if you are lucky.

SAP R/3 Administrator’s Handbook is written by known, reliable author and is the only other book we purchase whenever a new version is published.

XXVIII.   Can Hitachi recommend any SAP courses for new Basis people?

Recommended Basis aka WAS courses are:

                   ADM100 - SAP Web AS Administration I
                   ADM102 - SAP Web AS Administration II
ADM505 - Oracle Database Administration I
ADM940 - SAP R/3 Authorization Concept

You might want to throw in one of the introduction courses if you want to start with a high-level view of SAP.
The availability of these and other courses can be reviewed at